Optos has developed the Optomap digital retinal imaging system, which captures an image of your retina in a few seconds and there are no side effects. You get a comprehensive exam without the annoyance of dilation. In addition to making you smile, our doctors likes the Optomap because they get a digital image of your retinal tissue to keep on file to better follow you for changes over time, which occur in diseases such as glaucoma and macular degeneration.
See more information on why the Optomap is revolutionary.
*** There are certain cases, in which, dilation is necessary, and we will recommend accordingly. For most patients, our doctors prefer
to alternate between dilation and Optomap imaging every other year.
Seeing Inside The Eye
The retina is a collection of photoreceptors (rods and cones) and nerves that allow us to see the world around us. It is also one of the first and only places certain diseases like diabetes, hypertension, blood cancers and infections are visible non-invasively. The thin, delicate nature of the tissue also leaves it susceptible to tears and holes, especially in near-sighted patients, which can lead to retinal detachments. It is very important for your optometrist to see the entire inside of your eye every year to ensure there are no diseases or defects, and we have two options for our patients, dilation or Optomap imaging.
Our Doctors are able to see about 20% of this tissue without dilating your eyes. When the pupil is small it’s difficult to see inside the eye, but when the pupil is dilated to a larger size 100% of the retina is visible. (Think of looking into a room through a keyhole vs a large window.) Dilation is accomplished by instilling an eye drop into each eye and then waiting 20 minutes to take affect. You will be light sensitive and have blurry near vision for 2-4 hours afterwards.
A very good alternative to dilation is the Optomap Daytona retinal imaging system, which we are proud to be the first clinic in the SW Metro to offer our patients.
The gentleman who designed the Optomap camera did so after his young son lost vision in one eye. The boy was uncooperative during a dilated eye exam, and his optometrist was unable to obtain proper views to detect the retinal tear, which would have allowed for earlier treatment preventing blindness. The father, who happened to be a brilliant engineer, thought there needed to be an easier way to detect retinal problems. Patients and doctors everywhere thank him!