Our Doctors are experts in dry eye and have helped thousands alleviate their symptoms. They will help identify the underlying cause and advise you on both nutritional and
medical treatments.

Dry eye affects both comfort and quality of vision.
Symptoms include burning, redness, pain, intermittent
blurry vision, contact lens discomfort and excessive tearing.

Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common ocular ailments we encounter, but that doesn’t make it normal. Patients should not have to suffer nor should they accept
the symptoms of dryness as a part of their lifestyle.
One of the most common causes of dry eye is a condition called blepharitis. Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eye lids that reduces the production of our oily tears responsible for preventing tear evaporation and dryness. It is often caused by a small mite called demodex.
The only known way to eliminate demodex is an active ingredient found in tea tree oil. Cliradex has isolated this active ingredient and put it in a convenient wipe allowing us to FINALLY offer relief for chronic blepharitis dry eye sufferers. Our Doctors can tell just by looking for specific signs on your eyelashes and eye lids if this is the cause of your dry eye.
Cliradex is only available at optometric offices like WiNK that specialize in dry eye treament. Get more info on Cliradex wipes.
Cliradex Lid Wipes
We offer Biotears dry eye supplement in office. This product was specifically designed using scientific technology to minimize inflammation, the cause of nearly all dry eye disease. It is a special combination of nutrients, including DHA and GLA which work to prevent inflammation throughout the body. Patients often notice relief after 3-6 weeks of treatment. The dose is 2 capsules, twice daily.
Biotears is only available at optometric offices like Wink that specialize in dry eye treament. Get more info on Biotears wipes.
SJO Test
Sometimes chronic dry eye is a manifestation of a more serious disease called Sjogren’s Disease, which is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks its own tear and salivary glands. One of the first symptoms is dry eye and/or dry mouth. If untreated, patients can also experience fatigue and joint pain and it is nearly impossible to alleviate dry eye symptoms.
Traditional testing for Sjogren’s Disease requires 90% of the lacrimal (main tear) gland to be damaged before Sjogrens antibodies will show up in blood work. Nicox has developed a way to detect this Sjogren’s antibodies sooner, and patients can now be properly diagnosed up to 7 years sooner than with traditional blood test alone.
Wink is excited to be only one of three offices in the Twin Cities to offer this easy blood test. We simply prick your finger in office and collect a few drops of blood for testing. The test is mailed to a lab and a report is faxed back within 10 business days. If the test is positive, our Doctors will work closely with you and a rheumatologist to get you healthy and comfortable again.